Mystery testing
When and why to use mystery testing?
Unlike in the past, when the technical inspection was an unevitable pain for the car owner and dangerous moment for the vehicle licence, the motorists start to perceive the regular visit of a PTI station as a compulsory, but still a service, where they are entitled to quality and courtesy. Especially the group of solvent private and corporate customers take helpful, flexible, exact and rigorous services providing for granting. Mystery testing can answer the question whether inspection services are really like that.
Who is the product intended for?
Not every Slovak PTI station accepts the booking for an inspection in advance, consultation via telephone with a willing employee, cashless payment, polite explanation of identified shortcomings etc. The process of adaptation to new conditions in this area takes time, but the provider, which masters it sooner, will be successful in the developing Slovak market and gains an advantage against their competitors.
Regular reviews of the services and their analysis can be a good basis for further quality improvement of the PTI services which shall help to retain the customers and gain the new ones. Mystery testing can help to the PTI owner or manager to avoid the “professional blindness”, to obtain an objective view on their own company, their personnel and to compare their standard with similar operations in Slovakia and abroad.
What is and how does inspection work?
Mystery testing is a product intended specifically for the PTI stations and Emissions Control Workstations (ECW). During the the technical (emission) inspection where a testing person is posing as a common customer, all components of the inspections are assessed – communication with the customer, processes and environment of PTI.
The evaluation has been divided into 4 stages; each of them can be performed also individually.
1st stage – analysis of indirect communication
2nd stage – analysis of the first impression
3rd stage – analysis of direct personal communication
4th stage – analysis of performance at the PTI or emission check.